20 julho 2012

nas horas de alguns dias...


The brand “Fumeiro de Vinhais” is a commercial tag directly connected to the territory of the county of Vinhais (Northeast of Trás-os-Montes), located at 1000 metres of altitude which guarantees unequal natural conditions and a specific climate characterized by long and cold winters and short and hot summers that potentiate the perfect cure of the regional smokery. Presently all the brand’s products have Community Protection PGI (Protected Geographical Indications). This protects the product’s authenticity regarding its origin and guarantees the consumer a production through ancestral methods and subjected to an independent control system. The Fumeiro de Vinhais as managed to free itself from its local restrictions and, at the same time, keep and protect its production centre of symbologies and meanings. In a period of generalized crisis, it will be important to understand the brand’s behaviour, searching for answers to the questions:
· How will the brand be able to materialise the symbologies and narratives of its territory in a logic of globalisation in crisis?
· How does its territory, specialised in quality production, adapts to the new dynamics and constraints enforced by the “crisis”?
· Which are the local institutional strategies/answers for the defence and promotion of the brand and to attract new consumers (Bauman, 1999[i])?
· Will it or will it not be possible to maintain the control of its actions allowing it to colonise the future (Giddens, 2005[ii]), or in other words, to create territories with future possibilities?

Contributions to redefine what might be understood as the new rurality, as well as to identify new relational dynamics between rural and urban.

Keywords: Smokery, Vinhais, New Rurality, Crisis

[i] Bauman, Zygmunt, 1999, Globalization – the human consequences, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar Editor;
[ii] Giddens, Anthony, 2005, The Consequences of Modernity, Oeiras, Celta Editora;

A caminho do Congresso Mundial de Sociologia Rural que acontecerá em Lisboa a partir do dia 29 de Julho; e como podem verificar, falarei do Fumeiro de Vinhais enquanto produção de qualidade e especialização territorial.

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